Marzec 2021 r. W informacjach o wydaniu opisano ulepszenia i poprawki błędów zawarte w nowych wydaniach i wydaniach konserwacyjnych. |
Wsparcie dla Microsoft 365 Prophix Analyzer i Prophix Contributor obsługują Microsoft 365.
Uwaga: Microsoft Office 2019 i Office 2016 w wersjach z wieczystą licencją nie są obsługiwane. |
Studio pulpitów
Rozwiązane problemy
Wersja | Numer zgłoszenia | Obszar | Opis |
March | 112601 | Dashboard Studio | The Category Axis option was reversing the orders. |
March | 110113 | DPM | Importing an Input calculation removed input calculation data for other active scenarios. |
March | 110417, 110948 | DPM Schedules | In the Anniversary Increase calculation the % Increase parameter was applied incorrectly when using conditions. |
March | 104500 | DPM Schedules | Changes to a date-linked attribute in the schedule were not retained. |
March | 111406
| DPM Schedules | The "thousands" separator changed in the schedule. |
March | 110005 | Drill Across | A drill across containing hyperlinks, when exported to Excel, resulted in an error. |
March | 111478 | Infoflex | An Infoflex process using spreading worked when using the MDX engine but resulted in an error when using the SQL engine. |
March | 112546 | Journal Manager | Posting journal entries did not apply the correct values. |
March | 112505 | Model Manager | Using half months in the Time dimension resulted in inaccurate time labels. |
March | 111261 | Model Manager | In Time dimension named sets there was a problem with scrolling. |
March | 113115 | Model Manager | Creating a new rule set, then visiting an existing rule set Account and clicking on a different member resulted in an error. |
March | 108195 | Model Manager | The Custom member property was not applying the default value. |
March | 109348 | Model Manager | The Calculation method for rule sets defaulted to blank for new rule sets. |
March | 101871 | Process Manager | In the Currency Conversion process there was an issue if the Version dimension was using a named set. |
March | 103875, 113377 | Process Manager | In the Currency Conversion process using a named set resulted in an error. |
March | 106635 | Process Manager | Notifications for scheduled processes were not working properly. |
March | 108804 | Process Manager | Email notifications for scheduled processes ignored the distribution list. |
March | 114327 | Prophix Analyzer | Renaming a worksheet using spaces or hyphens resulted in an error upon refreshing: The requested resource doesn't exist.. |
March | 110726 | Workflow | Workflow comments in Russian (русский) were displayed as question marks ??????. |